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The Bent Bookworm

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Crown of Midnight
Sarah J. Maas
We Were the Lucky Ones
Georgia Lyn Hunter
Elizabeth May

Silver on the Tree (The Dark Is Rising Sequence, Book Five)

Silver on the Tree (The Dark Is Rising Sequence, Book Five) - Susan Cooper I’ve read this entire series by audiobook, and while I enjoyed it, I really think I need to go back and read them as books. Sometimes I would have gaps of days in between my listening within a book, and gaps of weeks or even months between the books themselves, so I got a little confused. The whole series seems a bit un-explained, to me, and I’m really kind of perplexed that I couldn’t get as into it as so many other people. I didn’t like the way the point of view jumped back and forth between the Drew kids and Will, I didn’t like the way the “magic” was never fully explained (at least not to my satisfaction), and I didn’t like the characters themselves much! I was especially affronted by how the female characters are either air headed (Jane) or magical. Why is this series considered to be so brilliant? I really feel like I’m missing something.

Despite that, I stuck it out for the entire series and was fascinated by the setting of Wales and England. I think that, given how short the books are, I will go back and re-read them at some point. I think maybe all my gaps in reading effected my comprehension of the plot. I really don’t think anything can rescue the characters though.
Wait WHAT. That was NOT an acceptable ending, AT ALL!! *sniff*